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Ain’t no Comic-Con party like a Rifftrax Comic-Con party

While so many fortunate souls geekgasm to their hearts’ content at the San Diego Comic-Con each year, I sit here on the East Coast sullen and alone. Why, just last year, Rosario Dawson went home alone after the event, all because I didn’t have the finances to make it there. Well, this year’s Comic-Con will surely leave me twice as heartbroken.

Mike, Bill, and Kevin will be appearing at San Diego’s Balboa Theatre on July 26th (the Saturday of Comic-Con weekend, though the events may not necessarily be officially connected) for two live performances of the Plan 9 From Outer Space commentary track. The shows are at 7PM and 9:30PM, and they’ll run you at least $25. Tickets can be purchased from here.

So, we have confirmation that Mike, Kevin, and Bill will be in the Comic-Con area, and Rifftrax has confirmed that they will have a booth there. Shout Factory has also said that they will be at Comic-Con in some capacity, making an announcement about their upcoming MST3K DVDs. Now, all we need is Cinematic Titanic to make an appearance, and we’ve got ourselves the makings of a reunion, dagnabbit!

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