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The RiffTones take home the Song Fu championship!

I can has award ceremony?

In what some would probably say was an inevitable outcome, the über-group consisting of Bill Corbett, Mike Nelson, and Kevin Murphy — aka The RiffTones — has been crowned the champion of Quick Stop’s “Masters of Song Fu” tournament. Despite a vocal minority who will undoubtedly continue to cry foul, The RiffTones defeated talented challenger Jason Morris, 222 votes to 135.

Some might say this was a little unfair, pitting a relatively unknown amateur songwriter up against a mighty triumvirate of geek gods — and they’d be right to say so. But ultimately, Jason’s the one coming out on top, with the nice juicy prize of exposure. Still, the boys at Rifftrax do manage to take home a trophy that is surely made from the finest plastic unicorn-horn ivory. So congrats, everyone.

As usual, hit Quick Stop to download all The Rifftones’ songs.

2 Responses

  1. You are quite correct, Hugh.
    You know what they say about exposure.
    “For GOD sake’s put some CLOTHES ON!”

    But they also say ‘There is no such thing as bad publicity.’

    It has been a lot of fun, and I had a great time exposing myself to everyone.

  2. Please, there are ladies present!

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