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“Plan 9” to receive remake 1; Ed Wood smiles

Well, if there’s one ailment that the entertainment industry — both big-studio and independent alike — is currently afflicted with, it’s the inability to produce much in the way of compelling original content. And frankly, it must be getting pretty bad, as our great American filmmakers are beginning to slowly plumb the filthy, filthy depths of b-movie history.

Wired reports that indie studio Darkstone Entertainment is planning a remake of Ed Wood’s nutty “Plan 9 from Outer Space,” with an oh so clever release date of 9/9/09. They claim that it’ll be a more “serious-minded” take on the film, which is either a stroke of genius or the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Given Rick Sloane’s exact duplication of Hobgoblins for Hobgoblins 2, I’d say the opposite approach is probably a safer bet. But still, why?

Though it saddens me to see some of humanity’s time, energy, and resources poured into such an unnecessary, unwanted venture, I can’t help but think that Ed Wood would approve of all this. In fact, I bet he’d be flattered. Now, where’s my Manos remake, with Tobey Maguire as Torgo?

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