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Mike, Bill, and Kevin The Heroes

Well, I’ve been fighting a cold all weekend, but I’ve got a big ol’ slew of exciting news that I can’t not post, from all corners of the MST3K kingdom. First up, a post that’s been a long time coming about a project you probably didn’t even know existed.

A little while ago, a man named Mike Salva (above, center, with our Film Crew and Stew Goldstein, the short’s assistant producer/director) contacted Mike Nelson, Bill Corbett, and Kevin Murphy about doing voice work for an animated series he’d created. Obviously – or else I wouldn’t be posting this here – they said yes. The result is Max The Hero, about a guy named Max (Bill Corbett) who is a bit of a prick and who suddenly becomes endowed with superpowers. Mike Nelson portrays Max’s arch-nemesis/roommate Stew, and Kevin voices Chip, the series’ hopeless nerd and whipping boy. Currently, only a 12-minute short exists, and there’s no word on whether or not it will evolve into something ongoing.

You can see the short here, and it’s also been submitted to various film festivals. Though not your typical film festival fare, the short seems to be getting some positive responses. Even though it isn’t really “my sort of thing” (whatever that pretentious phrase means) I enjoyed the film, especially Mike’s and Bill’s performances. I’d definitely recommend checking it out and spreading the word about it. Mr. Salva has also set up a MySpace profile for the project. Check it out and look for Max The Hero at a film festival near you! (Or, again, just watch it here.)

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