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Cinematic Titanic Updates Ahoy!

Don’t worry. Headlines like that make me want to shoot myself in the head too. Please disregard and let’s focus on these recent updates from the Cinematic Titanic realm.

Last week, the downloadable version of The Oozing Skull finally went on sale here. It’ll cost you $9.99, which I still think is a bit of a rip-off, especially when you realize that the only thing separating this from the DVD release is a blank, labeled DVD and a paper shipping sleeve, all of which probably amounts to less than $2. Still, if you’re okay with burning your own 3GB DVD and saving a few bucks, your time is now.

The next and, arguably, most important piece of information is a bit of “good news/bad news.” The bad news is that we aren’t going to be seeing any new episodes of Cinematic Titanic for a couple of months. (Ah, yes, there you are, Mr. Delay. Short time, no see.) It seems that the end of the writer’s strike has made a cheap soundstage hard to come by. The good news, however, is that they finally do have a studio booked for the second week in May, when they will be shooting the next three episodes. What’s that? “Regular release schedule”? Make it so!

Lastly, there’s a couple of public appearances in need of mention. The first will be an appearance in Dallas, at the USA Film Festival on April 26th. And hey, guess what: It’s an MST3K panel! Kevin Murphy will even be there, representing the Rifftrax camp. The second appearance will be occurring two hours later, as the CT crew does a live riffing of a movie that’s not The Oozing Skull. Hit this post at Satellite News for more information, if you plan to attend. And you should.

I used to wish I was a Californian. Now I wish I was a Texan. Hell is so chilly, this time of year… I’ll keep my ears out for any info on what the live movie ends up being.

One Response

  1. I’m very very happy they’re coming to Dallas! Living in DFW area I could just walk there (Which I suggest nobody do since Dallas is a crappy place :P)!

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