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Bonnie ‘Hammerzeit’ Hammer Leaves Sci-Fi

Bonnie Hammer, long-time head of The Sci-Fi Channel and the woman who cancelled such shows as Farscape, Stargate SG-1, and — oh, what’s it called? That puppet show in space, with the guy? You know the one. Anyway, she has left her position as the network’s chief. Despite dragging the network down into a disgusting, rippling orgy of pro wrestling, paranormal reality shows, and atrocious b-movies starring actors who once appeared on Stargate, she has helped the network rise to a “No. 6 channel” — apparently, at the cost of actual, good science fiction.

In closing, I would like to quote the last lines of her Wikipedia entry:

Hammer is a published author and an accomplished photographer. Many fans of the sci-fi network wish she would quit that job and concentrate on her accomplished photography.

Your time has come, fans. Your time has come.

4 Responses

  1. THAT’s the person who’ s responsible for the current state of the Sci-Fi channel? A leather shoe in a wig? The only thing sci-fi about her is the unnatural “golden brown” hue.

  2. it doesnt matter, the guy that’s replacing her sounds like just as big a douche.

  3. D’oh! Well, at least we can look forward to movies about Giant Robot Spiders starring Dean Cain.

  4. She is a show killer !!!

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