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Watch Joel Hodgson’s Jollyfilter

If there’s one thing that Joel, and apparently also his brother Jim, Hodgson are good at, it’s coming up with some weirdass, out-there concepts. A video that Joel uploaded to Cinematic Titanic’s YouTube account today is pretty solid evidence of that.

Entitled “Jollyfilter Test Video,” it’s a  short, five-minute proof-of-concept video for something titled, well, “Jollyfilter.” Apparently, it was part of an old development deal Joel and Jim had with USA Networks, which sadly appears to have gone nowhere. In the video, he shows two minutes of relatively boring footage from the 1977 yawner Rollercoaster. What follows that is… well, I’ll let the footage speak for itself. Needless to say, the footage is slightly less boring, the second time. I dig it.

5 Responses

  1. As if we needed any more proof that Joel was a freaking genius…I love it!

  2. What a sweet concept, very funny. Love the bit with the little frogman.

  3. I’m just bummed there’s no audio.

  4. What do you mean? There’s audio. Or are you referring to the lack of riffing?

  5. @Hugh: I think he’s referring to this:

    “NOTICE This video contains an audio track that has not been authorized by all copyright holders. The audio has been disabled. More about copyright.”

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