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    Hi. Welcome to Deep Ape, ancient home to reasonable amounts of Mystery Science Theater 3000-related news, reviews, and nonsense!

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    Deep Ape is not officially connected to Best Brains, Rifftrax, Cinematic Titanic, or Shout Factory and is 100% independent. The views expressed here are dumb, probably wrong, and they in no way represent the views of the aforementioned. Amen.

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New Cinematic Titanic trailer… sort of

In case you were one of the few people who either didn’t read Thursday’s news or decided to honor the Cinematic Titanic crew’s quasi-embargo on the trailer (I’m looking at you, Wired), you can now see the Doomsday Machine trailer embedded above. It didn’t really impress me at all, but neither did the previous episode’s trailer, and that turned out well. No word on the release date, yet.

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