• Welcome MSTies!

    Hi. Welcome to Deep Ape, ancient home to reasonable amounts of Mystery Science Theater 3000-related news, reviews, and nonsense!

  • Housekeeping

    Deep Ape is not officially connected to Best Brains, Rifftrax, Cinematic Titanic, or Shout Factory and is 100% independent. The views expressed here are dumb, probably wrong, and they in no way represent the views of the aforementioned. Amen.

    If you have a claim on any audio or video posted on this blog, contact me and it will be removed. Also, if you have any tips, corrections, relevant information, or cash gifts, I encourage you to drop me a line.

    Creative Commons License

CORRECTION: Mike Hits The Bottle TWICE, This Summer

It seems I was so excited to hear that Mike would be returning for another of those neat drink ‘n’ riff get-togethers at Stone Brewery, I completely overlooked the fact that he’s actually appearing at two such events. (Thanks, Erik!) As I mentioned, Mike will be present at the end of the summer for a screening of the Matrix Reloaded Rifftrax, but he’ll also be around on June 11th for the trio’s take on 300. Sorry for the omission. Details can still be found on this page.

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