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DVD Talk pans Wasp Woman, screws pooch

Earlier this year, DVD Talk writer Brian Orndorf wrote a glowing review for Cinematic Titanic’s The Oozing Skull. He’s an MST3K fan, so he obviously understood the premise and enjoyed the episode. So, now that it’s time to review CT’s take on Roger Corman’s The Wasp Woman, you’d think they’d hand it over to their MST3K guy, right? Yeah, you’d think that, wouldn’t you?

Nope. Instead, they haul out the incredulously named Stuart Galbraith IV, a f*cking film historian, to write the review. As one might expect from a film historian who clearly isn’t a MSTie, he utterly hated the episode, giving it the absolute worst panning that I’ve ever seen an MST3K-related product receive.

Now, I recognize that MST3K isn’t for everyone, nor do I expect it to be for everyone. But when your site has one DVD reviewer who understands and enjoys a certain genre of film, then you don’t go and give the review to another reviewer who hates that genre of film. That’s like sending a vegetarian to a steakhouse. So, pay no mind to Sir Galbraith’s review. Wasp Woman isn’t exactly Manos, but it deserves better than 0.5/5.  Tsk, tsk, DVD Talk. (My review will be coming soon.)

UPDATE: According to this comment on Satellite News, the reviewer had no idea he was going to be reviewing the CT version of Wasp Woman. While this explains the situation a bit, I still don’t think it excuses what is an entirely inappropriate review. Also, you can read Bill Corbett’s thoughts in this comment.

UPDATE 2: And while we’re at it, it looks like most of the folks on DVD Talk’s forums don’t agree with Sir Stuart Hildebrandt Galbraith IV, M.D., either.

3 Responses

  1. Yeah, that review was absurd. I’ve never read a review about MST3K like that, and I have to admit, it was hard not to take it personally. I understand that he didn’t know what he was getting, but calling the cast hacks and parasites because you didn’t enjoy their product? That kind of hate is just unnecessary, and I feel bad for the guy that he has to get so worked up like that.

  2. “it looks like most of the folks on DVD Talk’s forums don’t agree with Sir Stuart Hildebrandt Galbraith IV, M.D., either.”

    Good one, that made me laugh. :D

    Glancing over Prime Minister Galbraith’s review, I couldn’t help but notice something… odd.

    “It’s as if people like Hodgson et.al., lack the talent to create their own, original comedy, so instead like parasites they latch onto the efforts of others.”

    …did a *film critic* just use the *anti film-critic argument*?

    “You can’t say bad things about a movie unless you make them! I give this movie half a star!”

    Speaking of parasitical latchings, here’s an Amazon reader review of Mr. Fancypants’ Japanese Science Fiction, Fantasy And Horror Films (written in 2006, so you know it’s not retaliation for MST3K bashing):

    “Much of the information in this book can be obtained from other sources. Useful for backing up stuff you already know, but there’s no new material here that I trust. ”


  3. I saw Wasp Woman at DragonCon. Galbraith might have a point as a film historian (I imagine they gasp in terror at the idea of a show like MST3K making it almost 200 episodes), but not as a viewer.

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